
LaDonna Lewis

Los Angeles, CA

LaDonna Lewis
Crown Preparatory Academy
Los Angeles, CA
How do you use Actively Learn in your classroom?

In-class reading and independent reading.

What problems were you experiencing in your classroom or school prior to adopting Actively Learn? 

I was having trouble with motivating students to complete the reading. Additionally, differentiating reading was challenging as well. 

What solutions did you try to address problems in your school/classroom prior to adopting Actively Learn? 

I tried printing leveled reading, providing students with annotation strategies as well.

How has Actively Learn helped improve your students’ learning and/or your teaching? 

It has helped to encourage students to complete their reading, additionally it gives them immediate feedback on how they are doing on multiple choice questions. Lastly, it has helped to improve students writing, as I am able to give them feedback in real time.

How do you use Actively Learn with your students? What type of content do you assign? 

I use it for reading practice and to practice specific reading skills such as main idea, inferencing, etc. 

What advice would you have for teachers who are new to Actively Learn? 

If you're nervous about your students not knowing how to use it, don't be! They will adapt to it quickly and perhaps even be like my students who taught me about some of the features.