
Tara Schuhmacher

Oelrichs, SD

Tara Schuhmacher
Oelrichs High School
Oelrichs, SD
How do you use Actively Learn in your classroom?

In-class reading and independent reading

What problems were you experiencing in your classroom or school prior to adopting Actively Learn? 

Students were not understanding the question/content and not asking for help. They would just write something down, turn it in, and never learning/growing. With Actively Learn I could instantly see any misconceptions and either provide a hint in the program or go over and help the student in person. 

What solutions did you try to address problems in your school/classroom prior to adopting Actively Learn? 

I tried walking around and monitoring students responses, but it is hard to catch every response.

How has Actively Learn helped improve your students’ learning and/or your teaching? 

With Actively Learn I can instantly see any misconceptions and either provide a hint in the program or go over and help the student in person. This allows me to individualize in the moment what extra teaching each student needs. Also, I noticed a huge improvement in students asking for help when they didn't understand something (because they knew they would be redoing it if it were wrong). This carried over to work not completed in Actively Learn as well. I believe it has tremendously improved the students' overall quality of writing as well. Some students just need a push to really flesh out an answer, but others really benefited from reading their classmates' responses when I made that an option.

How do you use Actively Learn with your students? What type of content do you assign? 

I use it to assign short stories and article, both those I have found on the website and those I've found online. I usually try to focus the questions around the certain standard being emphasized in class while also covering the "key standards" that are constantly being practiced. 

What advice would you have for teachers who are new to Actively Learn? 

Customize the questions to meet your students needs. Be on your computer monitoring incoming responses and give instant feedback. Teach kids how to not settle for a basic response.